Plastics products

Plastics products


Leaflet stands

Frames and anti-frames


Shelves /trays


Shelf displays

Sanitary stations

Catalogue stands

Steps and stairs

Cosmetic furniture / inserts


Containers / cartons

Others as required

Stands and Displays

Information boards

Katarzyna Szmyd

Kasia will introduce you to our world of plastic products

Katarzyna Szmyd

Fundusze Europejskie

BIMAX PRINT Limited Liability Company implements the project “Development of a business model for transformation towards a closed-loop economy

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Working capital subsidy for BIMAX Print Sp. Zoo.

Project objectives: Project support for the provision of patent support support that addresses the solution of the COV-19 epidemic. Financial aid granted on the basis of program no. ARE. 57015 (2020 / N).

Planned results: Maintaining the business activity. Project value: PLN 100,939.53. European Funds: PLN 100,939.53