
Bimax & elderberry

Our company is the sponsor and contractor of the plaque that describes the winner of the "Tree of the Year 2019" competition. The black elderberry growing in Rzeszów charmed thousands of Poles.

What is so special about it? The plant is over 200 years old and has a tree-like form, which is a rare form of this species.

     In the New 2020 Year, the elderberry will represent our country in the international European Tree of the Year poll.

The BIMAX crew keeps their fingers crossed and encourages Internet users to follow the fate of elderberry on the international arena!

Fundusze Europejskie

BIMAX PRINT Limited Liability Company implements the project “Development of a business model for transformation towards a closed-loop economy

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Working capital subsidy for BIMAX Print Sp. Zoo.

Project objectives: Project support for the provision of patent support support that addresses the solution of the COV-19 epidemic. Financial aid granted on the basis of program no. ARE. 57015 (2020 / N).

Planned results: Maintaining the business activity. Project value: PLN 100,939.53. European Funds: PLN 100,939.53